Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Short Voyage Report

I left Brisbane on 20th of February, early in the morning. The entire plan is initially divided by three; catching up with old friends, father-daughter session, and PPIA stuff. Up to now, they ran very well.

1st part; catching up with old friends.
DONE! Had a lil chit-chat and some trip to the place-where-we-can-take-picture-with-opera-house-as-a-background, Sydney Central, and Manly beach. Plus girl session! We baked chocolate muffins and choux pastry! Haha.

2nd part; father-daughter session.
Almost done, huhu. Dad's catching flight tomorrow morning but we had an authentic trip together. First off, we met in Sydney Airport, then went to Canberra with some colleagues before going to Wollongong, where the conference took place.

Additional part; represents PPIA in casual discussion with students in Wollongong.
Yyeah, my dad was the speaker and President Miko eventually had me replace him under PPIA in that discussion so, yeah, I joined them. It took place in one of the University of Wollongong Ph., D. students, Mr Garda, who is also My Dad's colleagues and teaching assistant at University of Indonesia. Hohoho. We also had a huge dinner. Appetiser and cake, yumm. So delightful!

3rd part; PPIA stuff with President Miko and teammate Ridho.
Tomorrow I'm gonna meet PresMik and Ridho in Sydney. We're gonna talk about database we've developed for 2 months and meet in McQuarie University where PresMik office at. I'm probably gonna go there by bus with Ridho, after I reached Sydney by train alone.

Additional part; meeting with one of my senpais.
Owyeah, he was one of my seniors in Jakarta karate team and now he's doing his master in USyd. He's got 1 boy now, woww. It's been a looong time since we met in the last training. Hihi. Can't wait, Bang!

After those finish, back to reality, back to Brisbane. Pictures? Later XD

Thursday, February 18, 2010

1st Anniversary

They came here finally, with gobs of luggage and money, different feeling between each others, just like us. They are 11. 8 of them stay downstairs, don't know what to do.

Heyy, they are so newbie, taking picture here and there, all talking is about creating new bank account and university enrollment, holding passport all the time, looking for property available, talking about hot girls all the time, permanent accommodation, mobile operator, internet provider, some utilities and many more.

Ooh I accompanied them, lunching in some well-known restaurants, taking care some university stuff, assisting deciding mobile operator, debriefing Brisbane transportation, hanging around the city. They are very new us. Welcome, batch 2007!!

And it's been a year. Today is the 365th day for me being here. I can tell you, no other words can describe me more; simply happier.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Anak Sotoy Jalan ke Sydeny

Ini lah percakapan antara anak sotoy dan temannya yang pengasih dan penyabar.

+1 lah buat lo, Dhil. Hahaha!

Sunday, February 14, 2010


Captcha, is a type of challenge-response test used in computing to ensure that the response is not generated by a computer. The process usually involves one computer (a server) asking a user to complete a simple test which the computer is able to generate and grade. Because other computers are unable to solve the captcha, any user entering a correct solution is presumed to be human. Sumber.

Dan ada saat di mana gw berasa bukan diasumsikan sebagai manusia. Tepatnya abis ketemu captcha di atas. Dan, gw cuma bisa ngetik n. Kelewat susah oom! Ampuun!

Friday, February 5, 2010

A Letter to Samaners

Dear Samaners, emm, dunno where to start but I have to say that I'm not gonna dance with you all. Since now, rest of the year. Terrible, isn't it? But I have to. Well, bukannya gw ga nikmatin masa-masa latihan satu taun sama kalian semua; pas mulai diajarin gerakan baru, pas ngerumpi di sela-sela break, pas ngegeret-geret meja kelas buat dipake latihan, pas muter rekaman, pas nyobain baju buat pertama kali, atau pas hecticnya dandan sebelum tampil; ada yang blum selesai nyepol rambut, ada yang ininya tiba-tiba ilang, ada yang blum dipenitiin ini itunya, pinjem-pinjeman foundation, bedak, blush on, eye liner, eye shadow, maskara, lip gloss, lip balm, lip stick, atau masa-masa kita perform; lucu-lucunya pas nyanyi dan teriak bareng, pas ada ketukan gendang yang tiba-tiba ga sesuai, pas yang nyanyi tiba-tiba ga sesuai, pas tiba-tiba ada yang lupa gerakan, and on the top of them: or the sisterhood emerged from all things we've done. No! Pertama, gw ga bisa nyalurin emosi gw lewat saman, kedua, saman kurang bagus buat penyembuhan lutut gw. Walaupun ga akan gw ceritain, karna hanya akan mengundang pilu, menurut gw, yang kedua itu yang lebih penting.

Nah, emosi gw ga bisa sepenuhnya tersalurkan cuma dengan nari sambil duduk, walupun ditambah genjat-genjot dan tengak-tengok. Itu juga blum bisa tersalurkan walaupun udah ditambah nyanyian dan teriakan. Walaupun tarian kita juga ada tepuk-tepukan, puter-putaren, pukul-pukul tulang paha dan tulang selangka, tapi, I've felt like, it's just not me. Mungkin bangsa-bangsa yang gw mau emang harus pukul-pukulan, tendang-tendangan, banting-bantingan sama orang, atau paling ga sama bola deh, dan dengan itu gw akan ngerasa; gw banget. Yah dan itu semua emang menuju ke alesan yang buat gw akhirnya kembali ke dunia gw sendiri.

Gw ga akan ngelupain semua pementasan kita, mulai dari International Breakfast di Ironside State School.

Teaser Indonesian Festival di Queen Street Mall.

Welcoming party buat UQ psychology international student yang gak ada fotonya. Acaranya United Nation di Mount Coot-Tha pas lebaran yang gw ga ikut.

Indonesian Festival di Southbank Parkland

dan UQ ASEAN University Games Farewell Diner.

Gw ga akan ngelupain 1 tahun yang menakjubkan bareng kalian. I'll always keep them in mind. Lagian ada untungnya juga, gw akan selalu jadi perekam kalian pas lagi pentas, karna housemate gw si Jingga, is still gonna be there ;) Good luck for you guys!

Your silly sister,
Zahra, ranger pink dan kuning =)

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Your Algorithm was Just Inappropriate

Still a cuddly cold morning, when all birds were still in a midst of nowhere of their dream, just like me, a spooky thing occurred. Home phone rang and just successfully startled me. Oh yes, there are exactly 3 people who know and have to know that number. First, me, myself. Second, a girl who lives next door. Last one is another girl who lives another door. They both were in Jakarta however I couldn't see any chance for them to give me a call through it.

That call, was just the one after mysterious-anonymous call. At that time, I barely heard voice and I just could hear sound of rain which means I wasn't deaf and the creepy thing was: no one spoke up. I was freaking out, as possible as I could be, yet I decided to pick it up. I was shaky, but heyy, relax, perhaps it's just a gig sales girl offering a stupid holiday trip.

Can I speak to Ms Fatimah az-Zahra?
(oh shit she's right)
We're from lalalala Queensland Government. Because lalalala summer, we'd like to offer lalalala lalalala worth up to lalalala hundreds dollars so you don't have to spend any of your money.
(QLD Government? Summer? Offer? Dollars? They really offer me a trip? Wait wait, I'm half conscious)
You were saying?
We're from lalalala Queensland Government. Because this summer lalalala, we'd like to give you a cooling appliances worth up to lalalala hundreds dollars so it won't cost anything for you.
(Nah, I get it now. Not a free trip from QLD Government for sure)
Ooh. Yes, Maam.
But I wanna ask something before that.
Do you have any cooling appliances installed in your home?
Err, what's that again?
Cooling appliances, do you have one installed in your home?
I don't think so.

Okay, so you don't have one now may I know your address?
It is 4/222 Sir Fred lalalala Brisbane, 4067.
It is an apartment? Or a house?
Apartment but emm, I think it is a unit, fountain unit.
Are you the owner of the unit?
No, I'm just the tenant.
So, are you working?
I'm a student.
Okay, now I wanna check whether you are eligible for this offer. Are you a holder of Australia citizen?
Or are you a permanent residence?
I'm not. I've lived here for one year.
Oh we are sorry but our offer is just eligible for citizens and permanent residence. Thank you.
(Sama-sama, Mbak!)
That's OK.

Humm, well. I was thinking if she asked me first, whether or not I'm a holder of Australia citizen or a permanent residence after she introduced herself, the conversation wouldn't last more than 5 minutes so that I could go back to my bed and took a sleep again, oh my. What a wrong algorithm!